Saturday, March 6, 2010

code your own trojan !!!

There is a simple way in which you can create a Trojan that Turn offs the computer..It will take less than 3 minutes..

Here are the steps…

1) right click anywhere on desktop then go to new->shortcut
2) Then when asked for location of shortcut type there shutdown –s –t 50 –c “Trojan Virus activated”then click on next  ( Here where I have written 50..that indicates the time in seconds  Whick it will tale before the windows can give any value there…shutdown –s –t 0 will shutdown the computer in 0 seconds)
3) Now name the shortcut with any name you like for eg “InternetExplporer”
4) Now click on finish
5) Now right click on the icon of that shortcut and change its iconTo any suitable one( for our case change it to the icon of internet explore) so that the user doesn’t suspect that icon for being a virus or trojan
(This step is completely optional and you may skip this if you want)Now when somebody clicks on this icon your Trojan gets activated and the shutdown message is displayed…..!!!!Once this message is displayed nothing will work (not even ctrl+alt+del) and the system will get shutdown after the specified seconds..

I###################  Warning: Don’t send this file to anyone  ###################  

Well there is one way to get out once the shutdown message is displayed…Start->Run-> type shutdown –a and press enterThe message will go away and your pc will not get shutdown..Hack Anyone ID By Phishing AttackThis tutorial is just to make you aware of such threats , we do not promote hacking or spying,this article is only to make you conscious that how much we have to care while entering passwords.These days Hacking or better termed as password stealing or theft is on here is an article that how its done by Bad guys.

{.} Open and Sign Up.

{.} then Login there with your newly registered account.{.} now click on ‘ Create your first form’.{.} Now delete all the pre-defined entries, just leave ‘First Name:’ (To delete entries, select the particular entry and then click on the cross sign.){.} Now Click on ‘First Name:’ (Exactly on First Name). Now the option to Edit the First Name is activated, type there “username:” (for Gmail) or YahooId: (for Yahoo){.} Now Click on ‘Power Tool’ Option (In right hand side…){.} Double click on ‘Password Box’. Now Click the newly form password entry to edit it. Rename it as ‘Password:’{.} Now Click on ‘Properties’ Option (In right hand side…). These are the form properties.{.} You can give any title to your form. This title is used to distinguish your forms. This Title cannot be seen by the victim.{.} Now in Thank You URL you must put some link, like or anything. Actually after entering username & password, user will get redirect to this url.(Don’t leave it blank…){.} Now Click on ‘Save’. After saving, click on ‘Source’ Option.{.} Now you can see two Options, namely ‘Option1′ & ‘Option2′. Copy the full code of ‘Option2′.{.} Now open Notepad text editor and write the following code their.Paste the Option2 code here{.} And now save this as index.html. And then host it, mean you will have to put it on the internet so that everyone can view it.

Now you can view it by typing the url in the address bar.

NOTE: If u want to send it to the internet, then first you will have to create a hosting account which you can create on and there are many other sites which you can find on the internet very easily.

Name the login screen name like yahoo.com_mail_login.php?action=login&email=yes etc etc so that even if they look at the url, they don’t get suspicious, shorten your url with any short url provider

and give it some name that is similar to actual url.

lets suppose that you created your account at 110mb.comnow login to your account then click on “File Manager”, then click on “upload files” or just “upload”. Then select the file which you want to send to the internet and click on upload. And you are done.Now you can access you file on the net by just typing the url of the file.And you will receive password of the users that login to your site through email-id which you’ve entered while creating the form.

Now Place this website as home page at the victim’s computer, send him the link through email, trick them by saying that by using this site you can login fastly or without any problem etc and simply wait. If the user is not that much tech savvy for sure he is gonna end up prey to the login screen hacking.

See how simple is it constructing and set up a fake login screen and steal the password. Beware of such scam and be cautious while entering the password. Always look for the correct domain name while entering the password. Internet explorer 8 onwards will highlight the correct URL in a different color compared to other strings in URL.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

A new upcoming bill give president ability to shut down Internet


Legislation is now passing through the U.S. Senate that could give the president unprecedented powers over the Internet, including the ability to ’shut down’ portions of it when a cybersecurity emergency is declared. The bill was introduced at the beginning of the month, but concerns have since been raised over its vague wording.

At issue is Section 18(2) of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which reads as follows:
“The president … may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network.”

At face value, the legislation, introduced by West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller, seems aimed at protecting sensitive government data and infrastructure, such as electrical grids and the like. Rockefeller makes his case by presenting a litany of findings indicating how vulnerable we are to cyber threats. Among them, Congressional studies that found an attack on a major financial institution could severely impact the economy, and attacks on systems controlling our power grid could “have the potential to disrupt services for hours or weeks.”

However, the bill offers no definition for what may be considered “United States critical infrastructure.” Could this mean entire fiber-optic pipes? Access to certain servers? The entire Internet, if the attack is really severe? Nobody seems to know. If made law, this vagueness could be used to justify just about any move to restrict Internet traffic within the country, as long as there is a perceived “threat.”

The Center for Democracy and Technology said the bill would give the government unprecedented and unacceptable control over the Internet. “The cybersecurity threat is real, but such a drastic federal intervention in private communications technology and networks could harm both security and privacy,” president and CEO Leslie Harris said.

Electronic Frontier Foundation civil liberties director Jessica Granick seems equally alarmed by the legislation’s tone. “Since many of our critical infrastructure systems (banks, telecommunications, energy) are in the hands of the private sector, the bill would create a major shift of power away from users and companies to the federal government,” she said.

President Obama is not yet publicly supporting the bill, although the Administration’s defense agenda does include protection from digital threats. Also, Obama said in July 2008 that he would declare Internet infrastructure a “strategic asset” and appoint a cyber advisor. While there may be no connection between the two, there are similarities in their proposals.

But is there really a need for such legislation? Government Accountability Office reviews have found that the government’s security problems include “insufficient access controls, a lack of encryption where necessary, poor network management, failure to install patches, inadequate audit procedures, and incomplete or ineffective information security programs,” according to security expert Bruce Schneier.

If that’s the case, such federalization of Internet infrastructure may not be necessary at all. Schneier suggested that cybersecurity threats shouldn’t be dealt with as a government or military problem, because it’s a universal problem. “All networks, military, government, civilian and commercial, use the same computers, the same networking hardware, the same Internet protocols and the same software packages. We all are the targets of the same attack tools and tactics,” he argued. “We’ve all got the same problems, so solutions must be shared.”
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